MBU announces revised COVID-19 protocols for summer 2021 - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

MBU announces revised COVID-19 protocols for summer 2021

Consistent with recent guidance from the CDC and St. Louis County Department of Public Health, Missouri Baptist University has revised its COVID-19 protocols this summer.

This announcement comes following updated CDC guidance issued on May 13, and the rescinding of the St. Louis County mask mandate. In place of the mask mandate, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health has issued a public health advisory, recommending those not fully vaccinated (or recovered from COVID-19 infection) should continue to wear masks and practice physical distancing.

Individuals who do not fall into either of those categories will not be required to wear a mask at MBU this summer.  The University does not plan to verify vaccinations. Individuals who have personal, health or safety concerns are encouraged to continue wearing a mask.

“While the pandemic has presented challenges, MBU has continued to move forward because of the thoughtful and selfless efforts of our students, faculty and staff,” said Dr. Keith Ross, MBU president. “We continue to have a great opportunity to honor one another through our actions as we continue to move into times more resemblant of pre-COVID-19 days.”

While MBU is encouraging students, faculty and staff to get vaccinated prior to the fall semester, the University respects individual rights and does not plan to require members of our community to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. 

The University will still continue to take the following precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • All individuals who visit one of MBU’s campuses must complete the daily Spartan Safe App screening.
  • Each in-person group meeting should maintain attendance records for contact tracing.
  • Quarantine and isolation protocols will be kept in place.

Based on the evolving nature of the Pandemic, plans for the fall 2021 semester will be communicated at a later date and will be based largely on current CDC guidelines.