Sexual Misconduct & Relationship Violence Policy - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

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Sexual Misconduct & Relationship Violence Policy

Missouri Baptist University is committed to fostering an environment that is free of sexual violence of any kind. All members of the University community share responsibility for fostering this environment by adhering to standards of conduct consistent with this policy. The University seeks to provide a supportive climate that will encourage individuals to report incidents of sexual violence. Accordingly, this policy is designed to provide prompt and compassionate support services, ensure that appropriate steps are taken when a complaint is made, and protect the rights of all parties throughout the process.

Complaints of sexual misconduct and sexual violence that fall within the University’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures will be addressed according to the process outlined here.

Complaints of sexual misconduct and sexual violence that do not fall under the University’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures will be addressed pursuant to the policies and procedures outlined below, where applicable.