Management - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

Mission Statement

In accordance with the mission of Missouri Baptist University and the School of Business, the Management program provides a broad-based curriculum preparing students for professional careers in management.  We prepare students to become successful managers through curriculum tied to industry expectations coupled with instruction from faculty with real-world experience who share their faith-based knowledge and insights.  The instruction we provide enables students to shine bright and make a positive impact on their world.

Internship opportunities are available to School of Business majors and minors in the areas of Accounting, Business Administration, Healthcare Management, Management, and Marketing.

The management major is also offered online.


Some of the types of jobs management majors pursue include:

  • Sales representative
  • Marketing manager
  • Data analyst
  • Staff accountant
  • Project manager
  • Business development manager
  • Human resources manager


Still deciding if management is for you?

Check out a few of the major-specific courses:

  • MGMT 363 Managing Organizational Change and Diversity
  • MGMT 303 Management Concepts and Practice
  • ITBU 473 Project Management
  • ITBU 353 Data and Information Management
  • BUSN 333 Leadership in Free Enterprise