Registration Information - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

Register for Spartan Preview Day on October 4! 

Registration Information

At the beginning of each semester (fall semester for year-long courses), the MBU ECP staff visits high school classes to provide students with information and materials to enable students to submit their registration. In a few schools, teachers receive the information and materials and provide them to their students.

Students seeking to enroll in an MBU course through MBU ECP must meet the minimum student criteria, obtain parent or guardian approval, and obtain approval by the designated high school administrator or coordinator.

Please see important registration dates here.

Online Registration

The three-step online registration form is available through the website that is provided to students in each approved course during the registration period near the beginning of each semester.  Students, parents, and counselors should accurately complete their designated portion of the form which provides important information needed to officially admit and register the student as a non-degree seeking student at Missouri Baptist University.  Students are given a specific date by which to submit the form to the designated high school coordinator.

Step 1:  The student will enter personal information, choose the appropriate class(es), and sign the form.  The student must enter a valid e-mail address for a parent or guardian to receive the information necessary to continue the registration.

Step 2:  The parent or guardian will open the link to the form that has been sent to the email address provided in the first step.  During this step, the parent or guardian will verify and add to the student’s personal information, verify or change the classes chosen, provide FERPA information, and sign the form.  At this point, any necessary changes can be made to the registration.

Step 3:  The designated high school coordinator will receive an email containing a link to each student’s online registration.   The coordinator will verify that the student is eligible to take the requested classes, enter the student’s cumulative G.P.A., attach any additional documentation required, and sign the form.  Note:  MBU ECP accepts registrations that have been routed through the designated high school coordinator only.  Registrations sent directly from the student are neither complete nor accepted. Registrations must include signatures of the student, of the parent/guardian, and approval from the designated coordinator.

Ensuring Forms are Complete

Student and Parents

  • Student portion complete and accurate
  • Student e-mail provided is an address that is often checked by the student, is not a high school e-mail address, and is accurate and complete
  • Parent/Guardian e-mail provided by the student in step 1 is an email that is checked often by the parent/guardian and is accurate and complete
  • Course numbers, titles, and instructor names accurate and complete
  • Student and parent/guardian signatures and date complete
  • Student social security number provided (for tax purposes only)
  • Student form submitted to high school by deadline

High School MBU ECP Coordinator

  • Student GPA and any accompanying documentation attached
  • Signature / approval and date completed
  • All completed registrations returned to MBU ECP office by the assigned deadline

The completed form will be automatically forwarded to the MBU ECP Director of Student Services who will complete the registration.

Students are encouraged to maintain a file for their MBU ECP course(s) including the following: a copy of the registration, the course syllabus, grade reports, and samples of their best work. We trust that students will strive to earn a good grade.  Many universities will accept only transferred courses with a grade of “C” or above.

The tuition owed will be calculated based on the tuition rates for the current school year.  Students will receive a bill in the mail within 4-6 weeks after the online registration has been processed.  Bills may be paid by check, by money order, by credit card payment over the phone, or by MyMBU online payment. If you have already received your bill and know your MBU e-mail address, you may pay online. Click here for payment instructions.

Registration Deadline

Each high school is given a deadline by which students must submit completed registrations. The deadline is announced during classroom registration visits by MBU ECP staff or is announced by the high school teacher.  The deadline is based on requirements that on-campus students must meet when they register for classes. The guidance office also announces the deadline via the school website, publication, and/or public announcement system.  Teachers normally also keep the announcement on their bulletin boards or other instructional space.

The MBU ECP office accepts only those completed registration forms that that (1) have been received by the deadline assigned to the high school site and (2) have obtained approval from the designated MBU ECP coordinator (a principal, counselor or teacher). Registration deadlines are strictly enforced.

Students may not enroll in a dual credit course after it has ended.

For more information, contact the MBU Early College Partnerships office at Missouri Baptist University by e-mailing or by calling 314-392-2203.