MBU ECP Teacher Tuition Benefits - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

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MBU ECP Teacher Tuition Benefits

High school teachers who have students enrolled in the MBU ECP program may receive a concession for one free Missouri Baptist University graduate course per semester within their discipline. The interested partner should contact the Graduate Admissions office to submit their application, verify course schedules, and request the graduate registration materials. After registering for the course, please complete the online tuition concession form to obtain the tuition waiver. Participants who drop courses prior to completion will be responsible for any fees and outstanding tuition balances incurred. PLEASE NOTE THAT COURSES MUST BE DROPPED PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS IN ORDER TO AVOID A 10% DROP FEE. Click HERE to download a current list of available graduate level courses that may be relevant for dual credit disciplines.

MBU ECP high school teachers, counselors, or administrators, whose children are registered for MBU ECP courses may receive a concession for MBU ECP courses.  Please click here to complete the online MBU ECP Concession Form.

For more information, contact the MBU Early College Partnerships office at Missouri Baptist University by e-mailing MBUECP@mobap.edu or by calling 314-392-2203.