60th Anniversary - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

Register for Spartan Preview Day on October 4! 

1964 – 2024

Celebrating 60 years of Missouri Baptist University!

Since the modest Missouri Baptist College opened its doors in 1964, MBU has transformed the lives of thousands of students. Over the past 60 years, the University has faced financial challenges, dramatic changes to the higher education landscape, COVID-19 and other obstacles. But through the years, God has provided stalwart leaders and faithful members of the community to overcome those challenges and continue to pour into students.

Now with over 5,600 students and a bright future ahead, MBU continues to shine like a city on a hill, pointing students and alumni alike to Christ.

Celebrate 60 Years with Us!

We’ll be celebrating all year long. Here are some ways you can join us:

Homecoming | October 21 – 26

What better way to celebrate MBU than with food and football? Join past, present and future Spartans to enjoy a chili supper and homecoming festival and to cheer on the Spartans football team! And don’t forget thePerk[27] event on Friday, October 25, where you can enjoy coffee, snacks and live music all night long.

Together We Shine: A Capital & Endowment Campaign

Partner with MBU to shine on for many more decades to come! This campaign is raising funds to build a state-of-the-art, 20,000-square-foot Academic Building and Welcome Center, which will become the gateway to Missouri Baptist University. The new building will also hold the College of Business and Entrepreneurship and the School of Nursing, featuring state-of-the-art training facilities. 

Information for Faculty and Staff

Help us celebrate MBU’s 60th anniversary by using the anniversary logo for your events! Please follow these logo guidelines and best practices when using the MBU 60th anniversary logo.

All designs that use the MBU 60th anniversary logo must be submitted to University Communications for approval.

When should I use this logo?
  • Event programs
  • Event signage
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Email signatures
How should I use this logo?
  • Download the compressed folder below, which contains the logo in both navy blue and white.
  • You may use the logo along with our Missouri Baptist University – Shine On logo, but do not place them right next to each other on the design. Keep them separate.
  • When adding to your email signature, add the 60th logo to the bottom of your email signature. If you also have the Top Workplace logo on your email signature, place the 60th logo next to it.