Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)
Have work experience in your field?

You may be able to receive college credit.

At MBU, we recognize that work experience adds so much value to education. That’s why you may be able to receive college credit for prior work experience.

Our Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) guidelines allow qualified students to receive college credit for prior work experience they have received in a related field, enabling students to save time when earning their degree.

Interested in learning more about Credit for Prior Learning?


If you’re a paraprofessional working in the education system, you may be able to earn college credit* toward field experience and student teaching because of your work experience**. This means you may be able to continue working while earning your degree or certification. Complete the information form below to learn more about how you can earn Credit for Prior Learning!

*Please note there is a cost associated with CPL credit hours. Contact us to learn more about your options.

 **Paraprofessional work experience must be in the education area where you are seeking certification.

Criminal Justice

If you have prior work experience in the criminal justice field, you may be able to earn college credit* toward certain classes in the criminal justice program at MBU. Complete the information form below to learn more about how you can earn Credit for Prior Learning!

*Please note there is a cost associated with CPL credit hours. Contact us to learn more about your options.


MBU accepts credits through the DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests), which allows students to receive college credit for information they already know without completing a college-level class. The DSST offers 36 tests in the areas of math, business, physical science, humanities, social sciences and technology. Complete the information form below to learn more about how you can earn Credit for Prior Learning!

You can register to take a DSST test at MBU’s testing center. Tests are by appointment only and administered online. Each exam cost $100* that must be paid online at the time of the exam. Non-MBU students must also pay a $30 test site fee, which can be paid by cash or check on the day of the exam. For more information on the DSST, please visit

To schedule a DSST test, email or call (314) 392-2364

Click here for a copy of the campus map: Campus Map

*DSST only takes Visa, Mastercard or American Express.

Military Experience

MBU follows the recommendations of the American Council on Education for awarding college credit for military experience. When you submit proof of military experience such as the DD214 or JST, you may be able to receive credit for the course KHSC 133 – Health and Wellness, among other possibilities. Complete the information form below to learn more about how you can earn Credit for Prior Learning!

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