Logan Torve - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

Logan and his wife recently moved to the St. Louis area from Rapid City, South Dakota. Logan is an adjunct for several universities in the area, and his wife, Megan, is a resident pediatric physician at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. Logan graduated with a master’s degree in political science with a specialization in international relations in 2021 and is currently working on his first peer-reviewed academic publication, “Cyberwarfare, Just War Theory, and the New Cold War.” He views his role as an educator as an opportunity to share his passion for learning with his students and seeks to assist them in their educational journey by teaching in a way that focuses on the rich intersectionality that a student’s faith has with the subject they study. Logan competed in competitive speech and debate for a decade at both the high school and collegiate levels and captained his University debate team to a top national ranking in 2 different styles of collegiate debate every year that he attended, including winning an individual collegiate debate national title in his sophomore year. He was one of the top debaters in the nation from his sophomore to senior year, and his success on the national circuit was matched only by that of his wife, who won the individual collegiate debate national title one year after he did. Logan currently attends Faith Baptist Church in Festus, MO.