MBU Early College Partnerships - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

MBU ECP began at Missouri Baptist University in 1983 and is a dual credit program with public and private high schools. This program takes place exclusively on high school campuses, serving more than 45 communities. MBU ECP seeks to offer qualified high school students the opportunity to enroll in the same quality courses attended by MBU on-campus students.

Early College Partnerships offers MBU credit through Dual Credit or Achieve Credit-by-Exam.

Dual Credit

Dual Credit is a program whereby high school students located at the high school sites earn MBU credit while being taught by university-approved high school instructors. Dual Credit has been nationally accredited through the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) since 2008. NACEP’s high standards ensure that dual credit courses offered in the high school are as rigorous as courses offered by the University.


Achieve is a credit-by-exam program whereby MBU faculty develop and grade a series of exams which are given to high school students. The student’s MBU course grade is dependent only on those exams.

For more information, contact the MBU Early College Partnerships office at Missouri Baptist University by e-mailing MBUECP@mobap.edu or by calling 314-392-2203.

Helpful Links

Request a Transcript

Students planning to register for their freshman year at college should request their MBU ECP transcript in early June. Request a transcript.

Learn about MO Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship

The Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship covers tuition and fees for qualified high school students taking dual credit or dual enrollment coursework from an approved provider. Apply.

Drop a Class

Students who wish to officially drop a course must complete and submit an MBU ECP Drop Form. Please see the MBU ECP Calendar for drop date deadlines.

95%of ECP students earn a grade of A, B or C in their college courses.