Study Abroad – Klapeida – (CGE) - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)
Degrees Offered


  • Study Abroad

Study near the Baltic Sea.

Available fall and spring terms

CGE offers a semester study opportunity in cooperation with our member university, LCC International in Klapeida, Lithuania. The campus is located just minutes away from the Baltic Sea and in walking distance to the historic downtown district.

Fifty percent of the students enroll from Lithuania and the others come from more than 25 other countries. LCC International intentionally recruits students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Ukraine and other regional nations so that students can learn together and creatively pursue careers which will be useful back in their home countries.

Students all study in English and can earn Liberal Arts degrees in Business Administration, Social Sciences, English Language and Literature, General Studies, and Theology while participating in local projects and programs sponsored by LCC. Graduates are active participants in campus life too as they continue to be a part of building the ethos of risk taking for betterment of society. LCC International University is a Christian-based university with a voice for faith and learning in a complex region. CGE students gain from semester study opportunities in a rich global atmosphere! CGE gains from a wider global perspective and specific understanding of sacrifices made by citizens as they “sang” their nation into democracy.

Emilee Messer, Coordinator of Study Abroad and Global Missions (

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