Content Assessments for Certification - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

Content Assessments for Certification

The Missouri Content Assessments (MoCA) were previously the content exams for all areas of certification. DESE has changed vendors for educator candidate assessments to ETS effective July 1, 2024. The last administration date for the MoCA was June 23, 2024. Candidates who did not pass both subtests of the Elementary Multi-Content MoCA by that deadline will need to pass all four of the new ETS Elementary Education Multiple Subjects (7001) assessments (subtests 7002, 7003, 7004, and 7005). All other MoCA exams passed as of June 23, 2024 remain valid for certification.

Registration Information

July 1, 2024, is the first day on which ETS exams may be taken and used for certification in Missouri. ETS Exams taken before this date may not be used for Missouri certification. 

To access the list of Praxis exams adopted by Missouri and register for a test, click here. It is important that you make sure you see MISSOURI in bold at the top of the page before you proceed with registration to ensure that you are accessing the correct list of assessments, as these are national tests and other states may use different Praxis exams.

Test Registration Reminders

  • Include your Social Security Number when creating your profile with ETS. This is currently listed as optional on the site, but in order for DESE’s certification system to connect scores to an individual, they need an SSN tied to them. DESE is working with ETS to change the language on the site to reflect that this is a requirement for Missouri.
  • Test takers receive a free Interactive Practice Test when they purchase their exam. This free practice test does not show in their cart until close to the end of the checkout process. There are pop-ups to add on extra practice tests or study material prior to the free test showing in their cart. Ignore them.
  • Microsoft Edge is the preferred browser. Customer Service advised that using Microsoft Edge resolves some of the technical issues one may encounter when registering. 

You need to be aware that, unlike the Pearson exams (MoCA and MoGEA), you will have to schedule your exam (date, time, and location) prior to registering for it. If you need to cancel your registration, you must do so at least three (3) days prior to the test date and you will only receive a 50% refund, so it is important to plan carefully.

Praxis Test Schedule

Some Praxis exams are not offered as regularly and frequently as DESE had expected. They are working with ETS to expand access to testing. Recently, ETS decided to make some tests available in additional months. Those changes are reflected in the updated calendar here:

Be advised that the actual test windows to not align exactly with calendar months, so a test that is indicated as being offered in October, for example, may not actually be offered on every day of October.

Missouri-Specific ETS Line

Missouri-specific help line at ETS.

  1. Call 1-800-772-9476.
  2. Choose the option for a customer service representative.
  3. Tell the representative that you are from Missouri.

This line must be used to reschedule or cancel an exam with no fee or to have scores sent to DESE if that was not indicated during registration.

Test Preparation Information

For a list of Missouri tests with links to the free Study Companion, as well as information on accessing test preparation available through MBU’s Jung-Kellogg Learning Center, please click here.

For other free resources to assist with content that may be helpful but is not test-specific, please click here.

ETS partners with as an outside test preparation partner that offers a variety of resources, including some that are fee-based.

Practice Test Information

When you register to take a test, you will receive a free interactive practice test for the corresponding subject. With some exceptions, in cases where a test has more than one practice test, you will receive Form 1. You get hands-on experience with different question types that you might encounter on test day. In addition, you can view your results after you complete the practice test and get detailed explanations of correct answers to the practice questions. If there is only one version available for this test title, each time you take the practice test, you answer the same questions in the same order. Retaking or repurchasing the same practice test more than once does not give you different practice questions or change the order in which the questions are delivered.

Testing Accommodations

Candidates who may need to apply for accommodations due to disability or health-related needs should click here for information and procedures prior to registering for an exam.

Candidates whose primary language is not English (PLNE) may be eligible for extended testing time. Test takers who meet ETS requirements will be allowed 50 percent additional testing time. Information on applying for PLNE accommodations is found on page 12 of The Praxis Tests Information Bulletin. The Certification of Documentation form is on page 38.