BA Chemistry Four-Year Plan - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

BA Chemistry Four-Year Plan

FALL—Semester 1SPRING—Semester 2
CHEM 113/111: Intro to Chemistry + lab (4 credits)
MATH 113: Intermediate Algebra (3 credits)
BIOL 103/101 Introduction to Biology + lab (4 credits)
MATH 155: Precalculus (5 credits)
FALL—Semester 3SPRING—Semester 4
CHEM 133/132/130: General Chemistry I + lab + PS (5 credits)
MATH 164 Calculus I (4 credits)
CHEM 143/142/140: General Chemistry I + la b + PS (5 credits)
FALL—Semester 5SPRING—Semester 6
CHEM 313/312/310: Organic Chemistry I + lab + PS (5 credits)
PHYS 213/211: General Physics I + lab (4 credits)
CHEM 343+342: Analytical Chemistry I + lab (5 credits)
CHEM 323/322/320: Organic Chemistry II + lab + PS
MATH 273: Probability and Statistical Methods (3 credits)
PHYS 223/221: General Physics II + lab (4 credits)
FALL—Semester 7SPRING—Semester 8
EXSC 413+411: Test & Prescription
EXSC 453/553: Fitness Management*
EXSC 473: (Internship**)
CHEM 481-483: Chemistry Research (1-3 credits)