Ministry and Leadership Four-Year Plan - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

Ministry and Leadership Four-Year Plan

FALL—Semester 1SPRING—Semester 2
ENGL 113: English Comp I
IDST 101: Collegiate Seminar
(Math/Prob& Stats if BS)
CBIB 213: Old Testament Theology-FA [ ] CSCE 273 (Found for Christian Ministry-FA)
CEWL 010: Ministerial Scholarship
ENGL 123: English Comp II
(Math/Prob& Stats if BS)
CBIB 223: New Testament Theology-SP
CEWL 020: Ministerial Scholarship
FALL—Semester 3SPRING—Semester 4
(Math/Prob& Stats if BS)
CSCE 273: Found for Christian Ministry-FA
CSCM 303: (God and Humanity-FA-even)*
CSCE 303: (Missions and Mercy-FA-odd)*
CSCM 333: (Redemption and Recon-FA-odd)*
CEWL 010: Ministerial Scholarship
Math/Prob&Stats if BS
CSCE 343: (Discipleship&Evangelism-SP-even)*
CEWL 020: Ministerial Scholarship
FALL—Semester 5SPRING—Semester 6
CBIB 443: (Biblical Hermeneutics-FA-even)
CSCM 303: God and Humanity-FA-even*
CSCS 483/583: (Expos Bib Ministry-FA-even)*
CSCE 303: Missions and Mercy-FA-odd*
CSCM 333: Redemption and Recon-FA-odd*
CSCP 403/503: (Philo&Scriptural Found
CSCE 423/523: (Basics of Bib Counseling-FAodd)
CSCE 413: (Church Administration-FA-odd)*
CEWL 010: Ministerial Scholarship
CSCE 343: Discipleship&Evangelism-SP-even*
CSCM 433/533: (Princ of Past Ministry-SP-odd)*
CEWL 020: Ministerial Scholarship
FALL—Semester 7SPRING—Semester 8
CBIB 443: Biblical Hermeneutics-FA-even
CSCS 483/583: Expos Bib Ministry-FA-even
CSCP 403/503: Philo&Scriptural Found FA-odd**
CSCE 423/523: Basics of Bib Counseling-FA-odd
CSCE 413: Church Administration-FA-odd*
CEWL 010: Ministerial Scholarship
CSCM 433/533: Princ of Past Ministry-SP-odd*
CEWL 473: Christian Ministry Internship-SP
CSCM 423/523: Theo of Christian Ministry-SP
CEWL 020: Ministerial Scholarship

*pre-req CSCE 273 Check for MINOR requirements and chosen minor’s sequencing

**pre-req CSCE 303

CSCE 423/523: CSCE 343

CEWL 010/020 Awarded every semester

NOTE: This plan does not reflect online options for courses