Traffic & Parking - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)


Missouri Baptist University has five parking lots to accommodate students’ parking needs. Those five lots are parking lot A, parking lot B, parking lot C, parking lot D, and the New Spartan Sports and Recreation Parking lot E. Due to the large number of vehicles on the University property at any given time rules have been established for the use of these lots. These rules have been established to make parking as safe and convenient as possible.

Vehicle Registration

At the beginning of each semester, all students must complete the vehicle registration form and bring it to the Public Safety office to obtain their parking sticker.

All students must register their intent to park a vehicle on campus and obtain a parking sticker by the first day of class each semester. All parking stickers are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Possession of a sticker for a specific lot gives you the privilege of parking in that lot but does not guarantee a parking space. Parking in any reserved and visitors’ spaces will result in a ticket or the possibility of your vehicle being immobilized by a vehicle boot device. No vehicle may be parked on campus without a parking sticker affixed to your vehicle or a temporary one-day parking hang-tag. The parking sticker should be affixed to the lower left rear window of the vehicle (back window driver’s side). Convertible automobiles or vehicles with a removable rear window should affix the sticker to the lower left front window (below state inspection sticker). Any vehicle that does not have the sticker affixed in the proper location or not readily visible may be subject to a citation.

Parking Stickers

Parking stickers may be purchased during the registration process for each semester. Parking sticker are issued out in the following manner:

  • Parking Lot A and Parking Lot B– Faculty/Staff, Graduate and Doctoral students
  • Parking Lot C and Marked Parking Spots on the shoulder of Dink-Marler Drive- Commuter students
  • Parking Lot D and NH Parking Lot– Resident students parking
  • Parking Lot E- Apartment residence only- must have E sticker

*After business hours, 4:30 PM, M-F, commuter students can park in parking lots A and B. No commuter students are allowed to park prior to this time and may be subject to a citation. Resident students must remain in their designated parking lot. No one may park in E lot without an E lot sticker.

To register your vehicle, complete the registration form and bring it to the Public Safety Office.

Abandoned Vehicles

All vehicles parked on Missouri Baptist University property must have current registration from the student’s home state. Any vehicle without current and valid license plates will be considered abandoned and will be towed at the owner’s expense in accordance with the City of Creve Coeur and the State of Missouri laws on abandoned vehicles.

Traffic Regulations

At Missouri Baptist University, like everywhere else in the nation, driving is a privilege. To ensure that everyone enjoys that privilege, all local, state and University traffic regulations governing the safe operation of a motor vehicle will be enforced. The campus speed limit is 15 mile per hour except where a slower speed limit is essential to safety. Motorcycles and bicycles should be parked in appropriately marked areas, and drivers and riders are expected to observe the same traffic rules as vehicle drivers. Pedestrians have the right of way at all times and all vehicles are required to yield to them. All stop signs on campus are placed to maintain safety for all traffic and pedestrians. Running a stop sign, careless and reckless driving, and failing to yield to pedestrians are considered serious offenses and may be subject to a moving violation.

Fines & Payment

All moving violations and/or parking regulations carry fines. Penalties, with the exception of moving violations, and auto-boot removal fees, will be reduced to one-half if paid within 24 hours of the time of the receipt of the citation, exclusive of Saturday, Sunday and official vacation periods. Failure to register for parking will result in a “hold” for the amount of the sticker plus the cost of any tickets incurred. Penalties are payable by cash or check to the Student Financial Services Office. At the discretion of the Senior Vice President of Student Development campus service may be required in place of monetary payment. Until these fines are paid, no grades or transcripts will be issued for students.

Parking Violations

  • Parking a vehicle on campus without a registration permit and properly displayed sticker (registered to the same car and student). A sticker not affixed to the vehicle is the same as not displaying a sticker and will be ticketed. In the event that a student drives a different car than the one registered to the student and assigned sticker, a temporary tag may be obtained in the Public Safety Office.
  • Parking a vehicle in an unauthorized area such as:
  • Along the south side of the road on Dink Marler Lane (pedestrian traffic lane
  • Along any white or yellow painted curbing or edge of any road striped with white or yellow paint.
  • Within 500 feet of any fire hydrant or other similar emergency device.
  • The emergency service drive to Muncy Gynasium.
  • The semi-circle drive in front of the Administration Building.
  • The service vehicle area at the northwest entrance of Field Academic Hall.
  • In front of Pillsbury-Huff Residence Hall.
  • All visitors’ spaces and reserved spaces.
  • Parking where prohibited by signs.
  • Parking on grassy areas.
  • Parking on sidewalks or entrances to buildings.
  • Parking in front of trash disposal containers and “service vehicle only” areas.
  • Parking in a fire lane, traffic right of way, or pedestrian crosswalk.
  • Parking in a lot other than the one specified by sticker color.
  • Defacing or misuse of sticker.

Auto Boot Policy

Auto booting is a means of controlling and decreasing the number of habitual parking violators on the Missouri Baptist University campus. The auto boot attaches to the front or rear left tire preventing the moving of the vehicle until all parking fines are paid or parking disputes settled. This is a safer and more convenient way of controlling habitual offenders.

Application of Auto Boot

  1. The Auto Boot will be applied after the receipt of the fifth unpaid non-moving violation in one semester.
  2. The Auto Boot will be applied to vehicles parked illegally in all reserved, fire, visitor, and disabled parking spaces.

Removal of Auto Boot

  1. The Auto Boot will be removed providing the following conditions are met:
  2. Fees are paid in full (parking fees, ticket fees, and Auto Boot removal fee of $25);
  3. Public Safety personnel are provided with the receipt showing payment in full of both fines and Auto Boot removal fee; and
  4. Approval of the Senior Vice President for Student Development.

Traffic or Parking Appeal Process

The Traffic and Parking Appeals Committee has been established to hear parking appeals on a regular basis. Appeals may be scheduled in the Office of the Senior Vice President of Student Development. If one chooses to appeal a parking violation he/she automatically forfeits the option of the half-price discount given for paying a ticket within 24 hours. Questions concerning parking should be directed to the Office of the Senior Vice President of Student Development.