Temporary Student Accommodations - Missouri Baptist University (Mobap)

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Temporary Student Accommodations

Temporary Student Accommodations (TSA) can be provided to a student for a condition/situation that is anticipated to be short-term in duration. Ideally, these situations would not interfere with the student’s educational progress. The provision of such accommodations provides the necessary supports in a time-limited way to assure a student has access to their educational program.

The specific accommodations and the duration should be determined by a medical professional. For example, a student who has a surgical procedure on his hand and cannot hold a writing instrument for 6 weeks may need a scribe for testing during that time.

Complete the following steps for temporary accommodations:

  1. Self-disclose
  2. Make appointment with Office of Student Accessibility Services
  3. The student will provide appropriate documentation from a qualified professional of the condition/situation for which they are requesting accommodations.
  4. The student will complete an application for accommodations along with the release of information form.
  5. The Office of Student Accessibility Services will review all information and if appropriate a TSA will issued. The Office of Student Accessibility Services will send the Temporary Student Accommodation (TSA) to the student and to the student’s professors. The student is encouraged to contact his/her student success advisor for support to ensure academic progress.

Given the nature of TSA, the student is encouraged to enlist the support of his/her Student Success Advisor and/or Academic Advisor to assure academic progress.

Get in Touch

Email: accessibility@mobap.edu

Spartan Row 503, Suite 301A
Field 117